Long Version (Scroll to the end of this post for the short version.):

Truth is, I don't have a whole lot of cash to throw around. This fact places an enormous damper on of my favorite activities: contributing to charity.  I mean, really, it sucks seeing a real need and not having the cash I need to help meet it.  This includes everything from donating to well-known charities to feeding homeless people I see everyday.  I just don't have the resources I need to give even a tenth as much as I would like to.

But my heart doesn't seem to get this.  It's freaking dripping with love.  I don't mean romantic love, either.  I mean that old-fashioned, "love-thy-neighbor" style compassion.  In fact, sometimes my heart feels pretty much close to bursting with love.

In short, I was screwed.

Then, the miracle happened.  I came across an app in which users could make donations by doing things and tapping a screen.  Instead of asking users to dig into their pockets, users were asked to dig into their hearts.  It was so simple!

To my delight, I started finding more and more of these apps.  In time, I thought, "Hey! I bet there are other people who would love to make donations to charity, but are short on cash. Someone needs to get the word out."

The result is this site.

Short Version:

Being short on cash can make life much less joyful for those who truly enjoy donating to worthy causes.  But by using apps and other opportunities, it's now possible to make charitable contributions for free!  It is my intention to share apps that offer users a chance to make charitable contributions for free in hopes that more love will find itself flowing around the planet.

Let's see what happens.
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